Sunday, June 28, 2009
~StarWars The Force Unleashed Black Lightsaber and Costume~
Costume- Complete the game by killing darth vader and skip the scene. Wait until after the credits. Dont skip the credits! Wait for the review screen to come up and continue. Wait for the game to take you to the first level again. You should appear with the costume on.
!!!Extra Note!!!
Do the same thing as for the costume for a jedi robe except defeat the emperor.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
~Star Wars Cheat Codes~
- There is a long list of cheats for the game. When you use a cheat it will not save but its fun to use them. It took awhile to figure this out.
- Maximum Force powers
Enter "KATARN" as a code.
- Maximum Force Push ranks
Enter "EXARKUN" as a code.
- Maximum Force Repulse ranks
Enter "DATHOMIR" as a code.
- Maximum Saber Throw ranks
Enter "ADEGAN" as a code.
- Amplified lightsaber damage
Enter "LIGHTSABER" or "COUNTDOOKU" as a code.
- All Force Talents
Enter "JOCASTA" as a code to unlock all Force Talents.
- All lightsaber crystals
Enter "HURRIKANE" as a code to unlock all lightsaber crystals. Note: Enabling this code will remove all lightsaber related Holocrons on the current saved game file, thus blocking the "Holocron Collector" achievement from being earned. -From: Paul Koven
- All costumes
Enter "SOHNDANN" as a code to unlock all 32 costumes. -From: Paul Koven
- All databank entries
Enter "OSSUS" as a code to unlock all databank entries.
- All combos
Enter "MOLDYCROW" as a code to unlock all combos.
- Aerial Ambush combo
Enter "VENTRESS" as a code to unlock the Aerial Ambush combo.
- Aerial Assault combo
Enter "EETHKOTH" as a code to unlock the Aerial Assault combo.
- Aerial Blast combo
Enter "YADDLE" as a code to unlock the Aerial Blast combo.
- Lightning Bomb combo
Enter "MASSASSI" as a code to unlock the Lightning Bomb combo.
- Lightning Grenade combo
Enter "RAGNOS" as a code to unlock the Lightning Grenade combo.
- Lightsaber Impale combo
Enter "BRUTALSTAB" as a code to unlock the Lightsaber Impale combo.
- Saber Slam combo
Enter "PLOKOON" as a code to unlock the Saber Slam combo.
- Saber Sling combo
Enter "KITFISTO" as a code to unlock the Saber Sling combo.
- Sith Saber Flurry combo
Enter "LUMIYA" as a code to unlock the Sith Saber Flurry combo.
- Sith Slash combo
Enter "DARAGON" as a code to unlock the Sith Slash combo.
- Sith Throw combo
Enter "SAZEN" as a code to unlock the Sith Throw combo.
- New combo
Enter "FREEDON" as a code to unlock a new combo.
- New combo
Enter "MARAJADE" as a code to unlock a new combo.
- Play as Emperor Palpatine
Enter "MASTERMIND" as a code to unlock Emperor Palpatine.
- Play as General Rahm Kota
Enter "MANDALORE" as a code to unlock General Rahm Kota.
- Play as General Rahm Kota (drunken)
Enter "HARDBOILED" as a code to unlock General Rahm Kota (drunken).
- Play as Incinerator Trooper
Enter "PHOENIX" as a code to unlock Incinerator Trooper.
- Play as Kashyyyk Trooper
Enter "TK421GREEN" as a code to unlock Kashyyyk Trooper.
- Play as Proxy
Enter "PROTOTYPE" as a code to unlock Proxy.
- Play as Scout Trooper
Enter "FERRAL" as a code to unlock Scout Trooper.
- Play as Senator Bail Organa
Enter "VICEROY" as a code to unlock Senator Bail Organa.
- Play as Shadow Trooper
Enter "BLACKHOLE" as a code to unlock Shadow Trooper.
- Play as Snow Trooper
Enter "SNOWMAN" as a code to unlock Snow Trooper.
- Play as Stormtrooper
Enter "TK421WHITE" as a code to unlock Stormtrooper.
- Play as Stormtrooper Commander
Enter "TK421BLUE" as a code to unlock Stormtrooper Commander.
- Jedi Adventure robe
Enter "HOLOCRON" as a code to unlock the Jedi Adventure robe.
- Jedi Ceremonial robe
Enter "DANTOOINE" as a code to unlock the Jedi Ceremonial robe.
- Kento's robe
Enter "WOOKIEE" as a code to unlock Kento's robe.
- Sith Stalker armor
Enter "KORRIBAN" as a code to unlock the Sith Stalker armor.
- Mirrored levels
Enter "MINDTRICK" as a code.
- Sith Master mode
Enter "SITHSPAWN" as a code to unlock the Sith Master difficulty.
~Star War The Force Unleashed Tips 1~
~The first 2 things you probably want to level all the way first is Saber Defense and Force Push. Saber Defense becuase with it fully upgraded you can block every shot shot at you and Force Push becuase you can save up force energy that you release that knocks down every enemy in its path~
~On the second mission you learn how to use lightning power. There are robots on that level. Use lighting on the robots becuase it gives more damage and it will paralyze them.~
~On the second mission you learn how to use lightning power. On that mission you will also encounter 3 or 4 giant robots. Use lightning to stun them then go in to melee attack the robots foot.~